Monday, July 26, 2021

Project Communication Management



1. Apa Objective dari Project Communications Management? Apa tujuan dari Plan Communications Management? Apa tujuan dari Manage Communications? Apa tujuan dari Monitor Communications? 

Project Communications Management includes the processes necessary to ensure that the information needs of the project and its stakeholders are met through the development of artifacts and implementation of activities designed to achieve effective information exchange.

Plan Communication Management is the process of developing an appropriate approach and plan for project communication activities based on the information needs of each stakeholder or group, available organizational assets, and the needs of the project.

Manage Communication is The process of ensuring timely and appropriate collection, creation, distribution, storage, retrieval, management, monitoring, and the ultimate disposition of project information

Monitor Communication is The process of ensuring the information needs of the project and its stakeholders are met.

2. Bagaimana mekanisme pertukaran informasi dapat dilakukan? 

Written form


Formal or informal

Through gestures

Through media

Choice of words

3. Jelaskan dengan contoh, dimensi-dimensi dalam aktivitas komunikasi





Hierarchical focus



Written and oral

. 4. Jelaskan dua bagian yang menentukan komunikasi yang berhasil.

The first part involves developing an appropriate communication strategy based on both the needs of the project and the project’s stakeholders

project’s communications

 5. Jelaskan pengertian 5C’s of written communications. Mengapa 5C’s perlu didukung oleh ketrampilan berkomunikasi? 

Listening actively

Awareness of cultural and personal differences

Identifying, setting, and managing stakeholder expectations

Enhancement of skills

6. Apa saja isi dari Project Management Plan yg dipakai untuk input Plan Communications Management? Apa saja isi dari Project Management Plan yg dipakai untuk input Monitor Communications? 

Project charter

Project management plan

• Resource management plan

• Stakeholder engagement plan

Project documents

• Requirements documentation

• Stakeholder register

Enterprise environmental factors

Organizational process assets

7. Faktor-faktor apakah yang mempengaruhi pemilihan communication technology? Apa saja beda penggunaan Communication technology pada Plan Communications Management dan Manage Communications?

Urgency of the need for information

Availability and reliability of technology

Ease of use

Project environment

Sensitivity and confidentiality of the information

 8. Jelaskan tentang communication methods. Apa bedanya penggunaan Communication methods pada Plan Communications Management dan Manage Communications? 

In plan talk about factor

IN manage communication

The choice of communication methods should allow flexibility in the event that the

membership of the stakeholder community changes or their needs and expectations change.

9. Jelaskan tentang communication models. Sebutkan elemen apa yang penting untuk diperhatikan dalam communication models yang menentukan langkah-langkah komunikasi basic dan interaktif. Jelaskan juga langkah-langkah tersebut. Apa tanggung jawab sender dan receiver dalam proses komunikasi? 


Transmit message


10. Apa saja beda penggunaan Information management systems pada Manage Communications dan Monitor Communications? 

Project management information systems can ensure that stakeholders can easily

retrieve the information they need in a timely way

11. Bagaimana interpersonal dan team skills membantu Project Manager merencanakan komunikasi? 

Communication styles assessment

Political awareness

Cultural awareness

12. Apa saja beda maksud dan tujuan Plan Communications Management dengan Plan Stakeholder Engagement? 

Plan Communications Management is the process of developing an appropriate approach and plan for project communications activities based on the information needs of each stakeholder or group, available organizational assets, and the needs of the project. 

13. Mengapa Communication Management Plan diperlukan saat melakukan Plan Stakeholder Engagement? Bagian apa sajakah yang diperlukan? 

Communication plan help to find the best way to communicate to stakeholder

14. Apa saja beda maksud dan tujuan Manage Communications dengan Manage Stakeholder Engagement?

Manage Communications is the process of ensuring timely and appropriate collection, creation, distribution, storage, retrieval, management, monitoring, and the ultimate disposition of project information. 

Manage Stakeholder Engagement is the process of communicating and working with stakeholders to meet their needs and expectations, address issues, and foster appropriate stakeholder involvement. 

 15. Apa saja beda maksud dan tujuan Monitor Communications dengan Monitor Stakeholder Engagement?

Monitor Communications is the process of ensuring the information needs of the project and its stakeholders are met.

Monitor Stakeholder Engagement is the process of monitoring project stakeholder relationships and tailoring strategies for engaging stakeholders through modification of engagement strategies and plans. 

16. Apakah isi dan maksud dari project communications, dimana project communications dihasilkan? 

Project Communications Management includes the processes necessary to ensure that the information needs of the project and its stakeholders are met through development of artifacts and implementation of activities designed to achieve effective information exchange.

17. Apa pengertian dari effective communication? Apa saja teknik dan pertimbangan yang diperlukan untuk berkomunikasi secara efektif?

 18. Jelaskan bagaimana communication skills digunakan sebagai tools dan techniques dalam proses Manage Communications. Jelaskan teknik apa saja yang dapat digunakan? 

Communication competence




19. Sebutkan rumus dari potensial communication channels, bagaimana penggunaan rumus tersebut 


20. Apa saja isi EEF dan OPA yang diperlukan sebagai input di proses Manage Communications? 


Organizational culture, political climate, and governance framework

Personnel administration policies

Stakeholder risk thresholds

Established communication channels, tools, and systems;

Global, regional, or local trends and practices or habits

Geographic distribution of facilities and resources


Corporate policies and procedures for social media, ethics, and security

Corporate policies and procedures for issue, risk, change, and data management

Organizational communication requirements

Standardized guidelines for development, exchange, storage, and retrieval of information

Historical information from previous projects, including the lessons learned repository

21. Bagaimana Stakeholder Engagement Matrix digunakan dalam proses Monitor Communications? 

which can provide information about the effectiveness of the communications


22. Bagaimana perbedaan penggunaan interpersonal dan team skills di Plan Communication 

Management, Manage Communications, dan Monitor Communications? 

Plan Comm

Communication styles assessment

Political awareness

Cultural awareness

Manage Comm

Active listening

Conflict management

Cultural awareness

Meeting management


Political awareness

23. Jelaskan bagaimana komunikasi diperlukan untuk berhasilnya suatu project.

Communication is needed to communicate what is appropraite in project 

24. Sumber-sumber informasi apa sajakah yang lazim digunakan untuk mengidentifikasikan kebutuhan komunikasi project? 


Physical location

Communications technology


Knowledge management

25. Apa yang dimaksud dengan project reporting? Apa bedanya dengan project communications? Apa bedanya project reporting dengan work performance report? 

Project reporting untuk keseluruhan project

Project comminication khusus untuk communication

26. Jelaskan apa salakah pertimbangan-pertimbangan penerapan tailoring dalam Project Communications Management. 


Physical location

Communications technology


Knowledge management

27. Apa bedanya atau kesamaannya tools dan techniques meetings digunakan di Plan Communications Management, Manage Communications dan Monitor Communications?

Di plan mencari sourcenya

di manage  memanage caranya

di monitor memonitor hasilnya

 28. Dalam project environments yang kompleks dan serba tidak pasti, apa yang mulai harus menjadi pertimbangan project manager dalam memastikan komunikasi efektif dan merawat relasi efektif dengan stakeholders? 

Use Adaptvie Environment

29. Apa jenis CR di Change Request di Monitor Communications? Jelaskan bagaimana CR bisa dihasilkan dari proses Monitor Communications? 

Revision of stakeholder communication requirements, including stakeholders’ information distribution, content or format, and distribution method; and

New procedures to eliminate bottlenecks

30. Gambarkan storyline Project Communication Management.

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