Monday, July 26, 2021

Project Procurement Management | update Aug 2021

 CHAPTER 12. Project Procurement Management

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

1. Sebutkan proses – proses didalam project procurement management

  • Plan Procurement Management
  • Conduct Procurements
  • Control Procurements

2. Sebutkan dasar – dasar konsep yang terkandung didalam project procurement management

The Project Procurement Management processes involve agreements that describe the relationship between two parties—a buyer and a seller. Agreements can be as simple as the purchase of a defined quantity of labor hours at a specified labor rate, or they can be as complex as multiyear international construction contracts. The contracting approach and the contract itself should reflect the simplicity or complexity of the deliverables or required effort and should be written in a manner that complies with local, national, and international laws regarding contracts.

3. Sebutkan dan jelaskan input dari proses dibawah ini :

a. Plan procurement management

The process of documenting project procurement decisions, specifying the

approach, and identifying potential sellers.

b. Conduct procurement

The process of obtaining seller responses, selecting a seller, and awarding a contract.

c. Control procurement

The process of managing procurement relationships, monitoring contract performance,

making changes and corrections as appropriate, and closing out contracts.

4. Sebutkan dan jelaskan tools dan teknik dari proses dibawah ini :

a. Plan procurement management





b. Conduct procurement

 Expert judgment


 Bidder conferences

 Data analysis

 Interpersonal and team skills

c. Control procurement

 Expert judgment

 Claims administration

 Data analysis



5. Sebutkan dan jelaskan output dari proses dibawah ini :

a. Plan procurement management

Procurement management plan

Procurement strategy

Bid documents

Procurement statement of work

Source selection criteria

Make-or-buy decisions

Independent cost estimates

Change requests

Project documents updates

Organizational process assets updates

b. Conduct procurement

Selected sellers


Change requests

 Project management plan updates

 Project documents updates

Organizational process assets updates

c. Control procurement

Closed procurements

Work performance information

Procurement documentation updates

Change requests

Project management plan updates

Project documents updates

 Organizational process assets updates

6. Sebutkan dalam kondisi apa seorang Project Manager mendapatkan hak authority didalam

proses negosiasi dan pembelian

In decentralized purchasing

7. Apa saja yang di kelolah oleh pemenang tender didalam sebuah project

The buyer becomes the customer to subcontractors, suppliers, and service providers and is therefore a key project stakeholder from the seller’s perspective.

The seller’s project management team may be concerned with all the processes involved in performing the work or providing the services.

Terms and conditions of the contract and the procurement statement of work (SOW) become key inputs to many of the seller’s management processes. The contract can actually contain the inputs (e.g., major deliverables, key milestones, cost objectives) or it can limit the project team’s options (for example, buyer approval of staffing decisions is often required on IT integration projects). The procurement SOW may have other names, such as the

technical statement of work.

The seller itself may become a buyer of lower-tiered products, services, and materials from subcontractors and suppliers.

8. Sebutkan trends and emerging pratices didalam procurement management

Advances in tools

More advanced risk management

Changing contracting processes

Logistics and supply chain management

Technology and stakeholder relations

Trial engagements

9. Terkait dengan project procurement management hal apa saja yang harus di selaraskan/di

terapkan oleh seorang project Manager di dalam suatu project

Complexity of procurement

Physical location

Governance and regulatory environment

Availability of contractors

10. Sebutkan dan jelasakan apa yang dimaksud dengan plan procurement management

conduct procurement, dan control procurement

Plan Procurement Management

The process of documenting project procurement decisions, specifying the approach, and identifying potential sellers.

Conduct Procurements

The process of obtaining seller responses, selecting a seller, and awarding a contract.

Control Procurements

The process of managing procurement relationships, monitoring contract performance,

making changes and corrections as appropriate, and closing out contracts.

11. Sebutkan dan jelaskan data flow diagram yang terkandung didalam plan procurement

management proses

Plan procurement mendapat input dari Project charter, PMP, Business document, project document, EEF dan OPA sebagai acuan untuk membuat plan

12. Didalam procurement management plan langkah – langkah apa saja yang harus di

persiapkan dalam menjalankan suatu project

Prepare the procurement statement of work (SOW) or terms of reference (TOR).

Prepare a high-level cost estimate to determine the budget.

Advertise the opportunity.

Identify a short list of qualified sellers.

Prepare and issue bid documents.

Prepare and submit proposals by the seller.

Conduct a technical evaluation of the proposals including quality.

Perform a cost evaluation of the proposals.

Prepare the final combined quality and cost evaluation to select the winning proposal.

Finalize negotiations and sign contract between the buyer and the seller.

13. Sebutkan factor – factor yang dapat mempengaruhi didalam berjalannya proses Plan

Procurement Management

Preapproved seller lists

Formal procurement policies, procedures, and guidelines

Contract types

Cost-reimbursable contracts

Time and material contracts (T&M)

14. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan fixed-price contract dan cost reimbursable dan sebutkan

kategori yang terkandung didalam fixed-price contract dan cost reimbursable tersebut

Fixed-price contracts

category of contracts involves setting a fixed total price for a defined product,

service, or result to be provided.

Firm fixed price (FFP).

Fixed price INCENTIVE fee (FPIF). 

Fixed price with economic price adjustments (FPEPA)

15. Sebutkan dan jelaskan metode analisa terhadap proses penjualan didalam plan

procurement management



Discounted cash flow


Benefit cost analysis

16.  Sebutkan guidance di dalam proses plan procurement management

How procurement will be coordinated with other project aspects, such as project schedule development and control processes;

Timetable of key procurement activities;

Procurement metrics to be used to manage contracts;

Stakeholder roles and responsibilities related to procurement, including authority and constraints of the project team when the performing organization has a procurement department;

Constraints and assumptions that could affect planned procurements;

The legal jurisdiction and the currency in which payments will be made;

Determination of whether independent estimates will be used and whether they are needed as evaluation criteria;

Risk management issues including identifying requirements for performance bonds or insurance contracts to mitigate some forms of project risk; and

Prequalified sellers, if any, to be used.

17. Sebutkan dan jelaskan procurement strategy didalam suatu project

Delivery methods

Contract payment types

Procurement phases

18. Jelaskan perbedaan metode delivery professional service dan commercial contruction

For professional services, delivery methods include: buyer/services provider with no subcontracting, buyer/ services provider with subcontracting allowed, joint venture between buyer and services provider, and buyer/ services provider acts as the representative.

For industrial or commercial construction, project delivery methods include but are not limited to: turnkey, design build (DB), design bid build (DBB), design build operate (DBO), build own operate transfer (BOOT), and others.

19. Sebutkan dan jelaskan dokumen apa saja yang digunakan dalam proses penawaran

Request for information (RFI)

Request for quotation (RFQ)

Request for proposal (RFP)

20. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan statemen of work (SOW) dan terms of reference (TOR)

The statement of work (SOW) for each procurement is developed from the project scope baseline and defines only that portion of the project scope that is to be included within the related contract

The phrase terms of reference (TOR) is sometimes used when contracting for services

21. Sebutkan elemen – elemen yang terdapat didalam proses terms of reference (TOR)

Tasks the contractor is required to perform as well as specified coordination requirements;

Standards the contractor will fulfill that are applicable to the project;

Data that needs to be submitted for approval;

Detailed list of all data and services that will be provided to the contractor by the buyer for use in performing the contract, if applicable; and

Definition of the schedule for initial submission and the review/approval time required.

22. Sebutkan hal apa saja yang harus di perhatikan oleh sorang buyer dalam proses pembelian


Capability and capacity;

Product cost and life cycle cost;

Delivery dates;

Technical expertise and approach;

Specific relevant experience;

Adequacy of the proposed approach and work plan in responding to the SOW;

Key staff’s qualifications, availability, and competence;

Financial stability of the firm;

Management experience; and

Suitability of the knowledge transfer program, including training.

23. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan Independent Cost Estimates

cost estimate prepared by an outside professional estimator to serve as a benchmark on proposed responses

24. Hal apa saja yang terkandung didalam project documents update, sebutkan dan jelasakan

Lessons learned register.

Milestone list

Requirements documentation

Requirements traceability matrix

Risk register

Stakeholder register

25. Sebutkan dan jelaskan data flow diagram yang terkandung didalam proses conduct


PMP, Project document, Procurement documentation,EEF, Sellers menjadi acuan untuk conduct procurement

26. Sebutkan factor – factor yang dapat mempengaruhi didalam berjalannya proses Conduct

Procurement Management 

Local laws and regulations regarding procurements;

Local laws and regulations ensuring that the major procurements involve local sellers;

External economic environment constraining procurement processes;

Marketplace conditions;

Information on relevant past experience with sellers, both good and bad;

Prior agreements already in place; and

Contract management systems.

List of preferred sellers that have been prequalified,

Organizational policies that influence the selection of a seller,

Specific organizational templates or guidelines that will determine the way agreements are drafted and built, and

Financial policies and procedures regarding invoicing and payment processes.

27. Sebutkan dan jelaskan Tools dan teknik didalam proses Conduct Procurment

.1 Expert judgment

.2 Advertising

.3 Bidder conferences

.4 Data analysis

Proposal evaluation

.5 Interpersonal and team skills


28. Sebutkan komponen Utama didalam dokumen perjanjian didalam proses Control


Legal Agreement

29. Sebutkan dan jelaskan data flow diagram yang terkandung didalam proses control


PMP, Project document, Approve change request, DMPW, Plan Proc,Conduct proc, EEF dan OPA menjadi input control proc

30. Secara administrative hala apa saja yang terkandung didalam proses control procurement

Collection of data and managing project records, including maintenance of detailed records of physical and financial performance and establishment of measurable procurement performance indicators;

Refinement of procurement plans and schedules;

Set up for gathering, analyzing, and reporting procurement-related project data and preparation of periodic reports to the organization;

Monitoring the procurement environment so that implementation can be facilitated or adjustments made; and

Payment of invoices.

31. Sebutkan factor – factor yang dapat mempengaruhi didalam berjalannya proses Control


Contract change control system,

Marketplace conditions,

Financial management and accounts payable system, and

Buying organization’s code of ethics.

32. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan Claims Adminitrasi didalam proses Control Procurement

Contested changes and potential constructive changes are those requested changes where the buyer and seller cannot reach an agreement on compensation for the change or cannot agree that a change has occurred.

33. Sebutkan dan jelaskan teknis analis data yang dapat digunakan didalam proses Control


Performance Reviews

Earned Value Analysis (EVA)

Trend Analysis

34. Sebutkan dan jelaskan tujuan dilakukannya audit setelah berjalannya proses procurement

didalam suatu project

Audits are a structured review of the procurement process

35. Gambarkan storyline knowledge area ini. 

New update 19/08/21


Frequently Asked Question


PMBOK GUIDE 6th Edition:

Chapter 12 Project Procurement Management


Pertanyaan (silahkan dijawab dan masing2nya merujuk ke halaman berapa di PMBOK):


1. Sebutkan proses – proses didalam project procurement management

  • 12.1 Plan Procurement Management—The process of documenting project procurement decisions, specifying the approach, and identifying potential sellers.
  • 12.2 Conduct Procurements—The process of obtaining seller responses, selecting a seller, and awarding a contract.
  • 12.3 Control Procurements—The process of managing procurement relationships, monitoring contract performance, making changes and corrections as appropriate, and closing out contracts.
page 459.

2. Sebutkan dasar – dasar konsep yang terkandung didalam project procurement management

  • A contract should clearly state the deliverables and results expected, including any knowledge transfer from the seller to the buyer. Anything not in the contract cannot be legally enforced. When working internationally, project managers should keep in mind the effect that culture and local law have upon contracts and their enforceability, no matter how clearly a contract is written.
  • A purchasing contract includes terms and conditions and may incorporate other buyer specifics as to what the seller is to perform or provide. It is the project management team’s responsibility to make certain that all procurements meet the specific needs of the project while working with the procurement office to ensure organizational procurement policies are followed. Depending on the application area, an agreement can be a contract, an SLA, an understanding, an MOA, or a purchase order.
  • Most organizations document policies and procedures specifically defining procurement rules and specifying who has authority to sign and administer such agreements on behalf of the organization. Across the world, organizations use different names for departments or divisions that deal with procurement, such as purchasing, contracting, procurement, or acquisitions; however, the responsibilities are likely to be similar.
  • Although all project documents may be subject to some form of review and approval, the legally binding nature of a contract means it will be subjected to a more extensive approval process, often involving the legal department. In all cases, the primary focus of the review and approval process is to ensure that the contract adequately describes the products, services, or results that the seller is agreeing to provide, while being in compliance with the laws and regulations regarding procurements. These sections are often separate appendices or annexes, allowing standardized legal contract language to be used.
  • A complex project may involve managing multiple contracts simultaneously or in sequence. In such cases, each contract life cycle may begin and end during any phase of the project life cycle. The buyer-seller relationship may exist at many levels on any one project, and between organizations internal to and external to the acquiring organization.
  • Depending on the application area, the seller may be identified as a contractor, vendor, service provider, or supplier. The buyer may be the owner of the final product, a subcontractor, the acquiring organization, a service requestor, or the purchaser. The seller can be viewed during the contract life cycle first as a bidder, then as the selected source, and then as the contracted supplier or vendor.

page 461.

3. Apa saja yang di kelola oleh pemenang tender didalam sebuah project

The winning bidder may manage the work as a project. In such cases:

  • The buyer becomes the customer to subcontractors, suppliers, and service providers and is, therefore, a key project stakeholder from the seller’s perspective.
  • The seller’s project management team may be concerned with all the processes involved in performing the work or providing the services.
  • Terms and conditions of the contract and the procurement statement of work (SOW) become key inputs to many of the seller’s management processes. The contract can actually contain the inputs (e.g., major deliverables, key milestones, cost objectives) or it can limit the project team’s options (for example, buyer approval of staffing decisions is often required on IT integration projects). The procurement SOW may have other names, such as the technical statement of work.
  • The seller itself may become a buyer of lower-tiered products, services, and materials from subcontractors and suppliers.

page 462

4. Terkait dengan project procurement management hal apa saja yang harus di selaraskan/di terapkan oleh seorang project Manager di dalam suatu project

Because each project is unique, the project manager may need to tailor the way that Project Procurement Management processes are applied. Considerations for tailoring include but are not limited to:

  • The complexity of the procurement. Is there one main procurement or are there multiple procurements at different times with different sellers that add to the complexity of the procurements?
  • Physical location. Are the buyers and sellers in the same location, or reasonably close, or in different time zones, countries, or continents?
  • Governance and regulatory environment. Are local laws and regulations regarding procurement activities integrated with the organization’s procurement policies? How does this affect contract auditing requirements?
  • Availability of contractors. Are there available contractors who are capable of performing the work?
page 465.

5. Sebutkan dan jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan plan procurement management conduct procurement, dan control procurement

  • Plan procurement management: The process of documenting project procurement decisions, specifying approach, and identifying potential sellers.
  • Conduct Procurements: The process of obtaining seller responses, selecting a seller, and awarding a contract.
  • Control Procurements: The process of managing procurement relationships, monitoring contract performance, making changes and corrections as appropriate, and closing out contracts.

page 459

6. Sebutkan dan jelaskan data flow diagram yang terkandung didalam plan procurement management proses

Defining roles and responsibilities related to procurement should be done early in the Plan Procurement Management process. The project manager should ensure that the project team is staffed with procurement expertise at the level required for the project. Participants in the procurement process may include personnel from the purchasing or procurement department as well as personnel from the buying organization’s legal department. 

page 468

7. Didalam procurement management plan langkah – langkah apa saja yang harus di persiapkan dalam menjalankan suatu project

These responsibilities should be documented in the procurement management plan.

Typical steps might be:

  1. Prepare the procurement statement of work (SOW) or terms of reference (TOR).
  2. Prepare a high-level cost estimate to determine the budget.
  3. Advertise the opportunity.
  4. Identify a shortlist of qualified sellers.
  5. Prepare and issue bid documents.
  6. Prepare and submit proposals by the seller.
  7. Conduct a technical evaluation of the proposals including quality.
  8. Perform a cost evaluation of the proposals.
  9. Prepare the final combined quality and cost evaluation to select the winning proposal.
  10. Finalize negotiations and sign a contract between the buyer and the seller.

page 468

8. Sebutkan factor – factor yang dapat mempengaruhi didalam berjalannya proses Plan Procurement Management

Influence Plan Procurement Management:

  1. The requirements of the project schedule can significantly influence the strategy during the Plan Procurement Management process. 
  2. Decisions made in developing the procurement management plan can also influence the project schedule and are integrated with the Develop Schedule process, the Estimate Activity Resources process, and make-or-buy decisions.
page 468

9. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan fixed-price contract dan cost reimbursable dan sebutkan kategori yang terkandung didalam fixed-price contract dan cost reimbursable tersebut

Fixed-price contract:

Definisi: An agreement that sets the fee that will be paid for a defined scope of work regardless of the cost or effort to deliver it.

Kategori: This category of contracts involves setting a fixed total price for a defined product, service, or result to be provided. These contracts should be used when the requirements are well defined and no significant changes to the scope are expected.

Cost reimbursable

Definisi: A type of contract involving payment to the seller for the seller’s actual costs, plus a fee typically representing the seller’s profit.

Kategori: This category of contract involves payments (cost reimbursements) to the seller for all legitimate actual costs incurred for completed work, plus a fee representing seller profit.

page 703,707, 471, 472

10. Sebutkan dan jelaskan metode analisa terhadap proses penjualan didalam plan procurement management


It is necessary to review the prioritization of the competing demands for the project before deciding on the selection method. Since competitive selection methods may require sellers to invest a large amount of time and resources upfront, it is a good practice to include the evaluation method in the procurement documents so bidders know how they will be evaluated. Commonly used selection methods include the following:

  • Least cost. The least cost method may be appropriate for procurements of a standard or routine nature where well-established practices and standards exist and from which a specific and well-defined outcome is expected, which can be executed at different costs.
  • Qualifications only. The qualifications only selection method applies when the time and cost of a full selection process would not make sense because the value of the procurement is relatively small. The buyer establishes a short list and selects the bidder with the best credibility, qualifications, experience, expertise, areas of specialization, and references.
  • Quality-based/highest technical proposal score. The selected firm is asked to submit a proposal with both technical and cost details and is then invited to negotiate the contract if the technical proposal proves acceptable. Using this method, technical proposals are first evaluated based on the quality of the technical solution offered. The seller who submitted the highest-ranked technical proposal is selected if their financial proposal can be negotiated and accepted.
  • Quality and cost-based. The quality and cost-based method allows cost to be included as a factor in the seller selection process. In general, when risk and/or uncertainty are greater for the project, quality should be a key element when compared to cost.
  • Sole source. The buyer asks a specific seller to prepare technical and financial proposals, which are then negotiated. Since there is no competition, this method is acceptable only when properly justified and should be viewed as an exception.
  • Fixed budget. The fixed-budget method requires disclosing the available budget to invited sellers in the RFP and selecting the highest-ranking technical proposal within the budget. Because sellers are subject to a cost constraint, they will adapt the scope and quality of their offer to that budget. The buyer should therefore ensure that the budget is compatible with the SOW and that the seller will be able to perform the tasks within the budget. This method is appropriate only when the SOW is precisely defined, no changes are anticipated, and the budget is fixed and cannot be exceeded.
page 474.

11. Sebutkan guidance di dalam proses plan procurement management



page 468

12. Sebutkan dan jelaskan procurement strategy didalam suatu project

Once the make-or-buy analysis is complete and the decision is made to acquire from outside the project, a procurement strategy should be identified. The objective of the procurement strategy is to determine the project delivery method, the type of legally binding agreement(s), and how the procurement will advance through the procurement phases.

  • Delivery methods. Delivery methods are different for professional services versus construction projects.
    • For professional services, delivery methods include: buyer/services provider with no subcontracting, buyer/ services provider with subcontracting allowed, joint venture between buyer and services provider, and buyer/ services provider acts as the representative.
    • For industrial or commercial construction, project delivery methods include but are not limited to: turnkey, design build (DB), design bid build (DBB), design build operate (DBO), build own operate transfer (BOOT), and others.
  • Contract payment types. Contract payment types are separate from the project delivery methods and are coordinated with the buying organization’s internal financial systems. They include but are not limited to these contract types plus variations: lump sum, firm fixed price, cost plus award fees, cost plus incentive fees, time and materials, target cost, and others. 
    • Fixed-price contracts are suitable when the type of work is predictable and the requirements are well defined and not likely to change.
    • Cost plus contracts are suitable when the work is evolving, likely to change, or not well defined.
    • Incentives and awards may be used to align the objectives of buyer and seller.
  • Procurement phases. The procurement strategy can also include information on procurement phases. Information may include:
    •    Sequencing or phasing of the procurement, a description of each phase and the specific objectives of each phase;
    •    Procurement performance indicators and milestones to be used in monitoring;
    •    Criteria for moving from phase to phase;
    •    Monitoring and evaluation plan for tracking progress; and
    •    Process for knowledge transfer for use in subsequent phases.
page 476

13. Sebutkan dan jelaskan dokumen apa saja yang digunakan dalam proses penawaran

  • Request for information (RFI). An RFI is used when more information on the goods and services to be acquired is needed from the sellers. It will typically be followed by an RFQ or RFP.
  • Request for quotation (RFQ). An RFQ is commonly used when more information is needed on how vendors would satisfy the requirements and/or how much it will cost.
  • Request for proposal (RFP). An RFP is used when there is a problem in the project and the solution is not easy to determine. This is the most formal of the “request for” documents and has strict procurement rules for content, timeline, and seller responses.

page 477.

14. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan statemen of work (SOW) dan terms of reference (TOR)

Statement of Work (SOW)

  • The SOW describes the procurement item in sufficient detail to allow prospective sellers to determine if they are capable of providing the products, services, or results. Sufficient detail can vary based on the nature of the item, the needs of the buyer, or the expected contract form. Information included in a SOW can include specifications, quantity desired, quality levels, performance data, period of performance, work location, and other requirements.
  • The procurement SOW should be clear, complete, and concise. It includes a description of any collateral services required, such as performance reporting or post-project operational support for the procured item. The SOW can be revised as required as it moves through the procurement process until incorporated into a signed agreement

Terms of reference (TOR)

The phrase terms of reference (TOR) is sometimes used when contracting for services. Similar to the procurement SOW

PAGE 478

15. Sebutkan elemen – elemen yang terdapat didalam proses terms of reference (TOR)

A TOR typically includes these elements:

  • Tasks the contractor is required to perform as well as specified coordination requirements;
  • Standards the contractor will fulfill that are applicable to the project;
  • Data that needs to be submitted for approval;
  • Detailed list of all data and services that will be provided to the contractor by the buyer for use in performing the contract, if applicable; and
  • Definition of the schedule for initial submission and the review/approval time required.
page 478

16. Sebutkan hal apa saja yang harus di perhatikan oleh sorang buyer dalam proses pembelian product

In choosing evaluation criteria, the buyer seeks to ensure that the proposal selected will offer the best quality for the services required. The source selection criteria may include but are not limited to:

  1. Capability and capacity;
  2. Product cost and life cycle cost;
  3. Delivery dates;
  4. Technical expertise and approach;
  5. Specific relevant experience;
  6. Adequacy of the proposed approach and work plan in responding to the SOW;
  7. Key staff’s qualifications, availability, and competence;
  8. Financial stability of the firm;
  9. Management experience; and
  10. Suitability of the knowledge transfer program, including training.
page 478

17. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan Independent Cost Estimates

For large procurements, the procuring organization may elect to either prepare its own independent estimate or have a cost estimate prepared by an outside professional estimator to serve as a benchmark on proposed responses. Significant differences in cost estimates can be an indication that the procurement SOW was deficient or ambiguous, or that the prospective sellers either misunderstood or failed to respond fully to the procurement SOW.

page 479

18. Hal apa saja yang terkandung didalam project documents update, sebutkan dan jelasakan

Project documents that may be updated as a result of carrying out this process include but are not limited to:

  • Lessons learned register. Described in Section The lessons learned register is updated with any relevant lessons regarding regulations and compliance, data gathering, data analysis, and source selection analysis.
  • Milestone list. Described in Section This list of major milestones shows when the sellers are expected to deliver their results.
  • Requirements documentation. Described in Section Requirements documentation may include:
    • Technical requirements that the seller is required to satisfy, and
    • Requirements with contractual and legal implications that may include health, safety, security, performance, environmental, insurance, intellectual property rights, equal employment opportunity, licenses, permits, and other nontechnical requirements.
  • Requirements traceability matrix. Described in Section The requirements traceability matrix links product requirements from their origin to the deliverables that satisfy them.
  • Risk register. Described in Section Each approved seller comes with its own unique set of risks, depending on the seller’s organization, the duration of the contract, the external environment, the project delivery method, the type of contracting vehicle chosen, and the final agreed-upon price.
  • Stakeholder register. Described in Section The stakeholder register is updated with any additional information on stakeholders, particularly regulatory agencies, contracting personnel, and legal personnel.

page 480

25. Sebutkan dan jelaskan data flow diagram yang terkandung didalam proses conduct procurement 

Menjelaskan tentang data flow diagram untuk conduct procurement, 

Dengan inputan nya berupa:

  • Project Management plan
  • Project document
  • Procurement documentation
  • EEF
  • Seller

Di proses dengan tools dan teknik nya, untuk menghasilkan outputnya berupa:

  • Control Procurements
  • Perform Integrated Change Control
  • Project Management
  • Plan Project Documents
  • Enterprise/Organization
  • Agreement
page 483

26. Sebutkan factor – factor yang dapat mempengaruhi didalam berjalannya proses Conduct Procurement Management


The enterprise environmental factors that can influence the Conduct Procurements Process include:

  • Local laws and regulations regarding procurements;
  • Local laws and regulations ensuring that the major procurements involve local sellers;
  • External economic environment constraining procurement processes;
  • Marketplace conditions;
  • Information on relevant past experience with sellers, both good and bad;
  • Prior agreements already in place; and
  • Contract management systems.


The organizational process assets that can influence the Conduct Procurements process include but are not limited to:

  • List of preferred sellers that have been prequalified,
  • Organizational policies that influence the selection of a seller,
  • Specific organizational templates or guidelines that will determine the way agreements are drafted and built, and
  • Financial policies and procedures regarding invoicing and payment processes.
page 486

19. Sebutkan dan jelaskan Tools dan teknik didalam proses Conduct Procurment

    • Described in Section Expertise should be considered from individuals or groups with specialized knowledge or training
    • Advertising is communicating with users or potential users of a product, service, or result. Existing lists of potential sellers often can be expanded by placing advertisements in general circulation publications such as selected newspapers or in specialty trade publications.
    • Bidder conferences (also called contractor conferences, vendor conferences, and pre-bid conferences) are meetings between the buyer and prospective sellers prior to proposal submittal
    • A data analysis technique that can be used for this process includes but is not limited to proposal evaluation
    • Interpersonal and team skills that can be used for this process include negotiation. Negotiation is a discussion aimed at reaching an agreement

page 488

20. Sebutkan komponen Utama didalam dokumen perjanjian didalam proses Control Procurement

The major components in an agreement document will vary, and may include but are not limited to:

  • Procurement statement of work or major deliverables;
  • Schedule, milestones, or date by which a schedule is required;
  • Performance reporting;
  • Pricing and payment terms;
  • Inspection, quality, and acceptance criteria;
  • Warranty and future product support;
  • Incentives and penalties;
  • Insurance and performance bonds;
  • Subordinate subcontractor approvals;
  • General terms and conditions;
  • Change request handling; and
  • Termination clause and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.

page 489

21. Sebutkan dan jelaskan data flow diagram yang terkandung didalam proses control procurement

Menjelaskan tentang data flow diagram untuk control procurement, 

Dengan inputan nya berupa:

.1 Project management plan
• Requirements management plan
• Risk management plan
• Procurement management plan
• Change management plan
• Schedule baseline
.2 Project documents
• Assumption log
• Lessons learned register
• Milestone list
• Quality reports
• Requirements documentation
• Requirements traceability matrix
• Risk register
• Stakeholder register
.3 Agreements
.4 Procurement documentation
.5 Approved change requests
.6 Work performance data
.7 Enterprise environmental factors
.8 Organizational process assets

Di proses dengan tools dan teknik nya:
.1 Expert judgment
.2 Claims administration
.3 Data analysis
• Performance reviews
• Earned value analysis
• Trend analysis
.4 Inspection
.5 Audits

Untuk menghasilkan outputnya berupa:

.1 Closed procurements
.2 Work performance information
.3 Procurement documentation updates
.4 Change requests
.5 Project management plan updates
• Risk management plan
• Procurement management plan
• Schedule baseline
• Cost baseline
.6 Project documents updates
• Lessons learned register
• Resource requirements
• Requirements traceability matrix
• Risk register
• Stakeholder register
.7 Organizational process assets updates

page 493

 22. Secara administrative hal apa saja yang terkandung didalam proses control procurement

Administrative activities may include:

  • Collection of data and managing project records, including maintenance of detailed records of physical and financial performance and establishment of measurable procurement performance indicators;
  • Refinement of procurement plans and schedules;
  • Set up for gathering, analyzing, and reporting procurement-related project data and preparation of periodic reports to the organization;
  • Monitoring the procurement environment so that implementation can be facilitated or adjustments made; and
  • Payment of invoices.

page 494.

23. Sebutkan factor – factor yang dapat mempengaruhi didalam berjalannya proses Control Procurement


The enterprise environmental factors that can influence the Control Procurements process include but are not limited to:

- Contract change control system,

- Marketplace conditions,

- Financial management and accounts payable system, and

- Buying organization’s code of ethics.


The organizational process assets that can influence the Control Procurements process include but are not limited to, procurement policies.

page 497 

24. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan Claims Adminitrasi didalam proses Control Procurement

Contested changes and potential constructive changes are those requested changes where the buyer and seller cannot reach an agreement on compensation for the change or cannot agree that a change has occurred. These contested changes are called claims. When they cannot be resolved, they become disputes and finally appeals. Claims are documented, processed, monitored, and managed throughout the contract life cycle, usually in accordance with the terms of the contract. If the parties themselves do not resolve a claim, it may have to be handled in accordance with alternative dispute resolution (ADR) typically following procedures established in the contract. Settlement of all claims and disputes through negotiation is the preferred method.

page 498

25. Sebutkan dan jelaskan teknis analis data yang dapat digunakan didalam proses Control Procurement

  1. Performance Reviews. Performance reviews for contracts measure, compare, and analyze quality, resource, schedule, and cost performance against the agreement. This includes identifying work packages that are ahead or behind schedule, over or under budget, or have resource or quality issues.
  2. Earned Value Analysis (EVA). Described in Section Schedule and cost variances along with schedule and cost performance indexes are calculated to determine the degree of variance from target.
  3. Trend Analysis. Described in Section Trend analysis can develop a forecast estimate at completion (EAC) for cost performance to see if performance is improving or deteriorating. See for more detail on EAC methods.

page 498

26. Sebutkan dan jelaskan tujuan dilakukannya audit setelah berjalannya proses procurement

Audits are described in Section Audits are a structured review of the procurement process. Rights and obligations related to audits should be described in the procurement contract. The resulting audit observations should be brought to the attention of the buyer’s project manager and the seller’s project manager for adjustments to the project, when necessary.

 page 498


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