Friday, January 05, 2024

Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.

Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.


This quote reflects the core philosophy of Taoism, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness, self-discipline, and the inner journey as the path to true leadership and strength. It suggests that while it's possible to gain a certain kind of power by controlling or influencing others, the most significant and enduring form of power comes from self-mastery – understanding and controlling one's emotions, desires, and actions.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Memaksimalkan Google Maps untuk Berkendara di Jakarta: Menghindari Tilang dengan Fitur Plat Nomor Ganjil-Genap

“Setiap perjalanan memiliki tujuannya sendiri, tetapi jalannya terkadang tidak seperti yang kita harapkan.” - Pepatah

Jakarta, kota yang selalu sibuk, seringkali menantang para pengendara dengan berbagai aturan lalu lintas, salah satunya adalah sistem plat nomor ganjil-genap. Untuk membantu Anda menghindari tilang dan memperlancar perjalanan di Jakarta, memanfaatkan fitur pada Google Maps sangatlah penting. Berikut adalah beberapa tips yang bisa Anda terapkan:

  1. Memahami Sistem Ganjil-Genap: Sistem ini diberlakukan pada jam-jam tertentu di hari kerja, dimana kendaraan dengan plat nomor ganjil hanya diperbolehkan melintas di hari tanggal ganjil, dan sebaliknya untuk nomor genap. Pastikan Anda mengetahui jadwal ini sebelum berangkat.
  2. Mengatur Google Maps: Sebelum memulai perjalanan, buka aplikasi Google Maps. Pada menu pengaturan, cari opsi untuk memasukkan informasi plat nomor kendaraan Anda. Dengan ini, Google Maps akan secara otomatis memberikan rute yang sesuai dengan sistem ganjil-genap.
        • Setting di Googe Maps untuk Plat nomor Ganjil-Genap
        • Even plate=nomor genap
        • Odd plate=nomor ganjil

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Ikatlah Ilmu dengan Menuliskannya

Dari ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr dan Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu ‘anhuma, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda:

“Jagalah ilmu dengan menulis.” 

(Shahih Al-Jami’, no.4434. Syaikh Al-Albani mengatakan bahwa hadits ini sahih).

Mencatat adalah salah satu metode paling efektif untuk mempertahankan dan mengorganisir informasi. Quote "Ikatlah ilmu dengan menuliskannya" menggambarkan pentingnya mencatat sebagai alat untuk mempertahankan pengetahuan dan informasi. 

Berikut beberapa alasan mengapa mencatat itu penting:

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Selama ini kau hebat

Tidak kah letih kakimu berlari

Ada hal yang tak mereka mengerti

Beri waktu tuk bersandar sebentar

Selama ini kau hebat

Hanya kau tak didengar

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Parameters Percentiles of The P90, P50 and P10

The terms P10, P50, and P90 are commonly used in statistics, project management, finance, and engineering to describe different confidence levels for estimates or forecasts. These terms are advantageous when dealing with uncertain variables, such as costs, schedules, or resource reserves. Here's a breakdown of what each term generally means:

Saturday, August 19, 2023



Life Cycle of a Program

The PMI-PgMP 4th Edition Standard outlines the comprehensive and strategic approach required for effective program management. It emphasizes the importance of thorough planning across various domains of a program, which are organized into activities that span the entire life cycle of a program:

1. Program Definition Phase Activities: 
   - Establishes the program’s business case and alignment with organizational strategy.
   - Includes Program Formulation and Program Planning phases.
2. Program Delivery Phase Activities: 
   - Encompass tasks like change control, reporting, information distribution, cost management, procurement, quality, and risk management, which are continuous and vital for monitoring and controlling the program.

3. Program Closure Phase Activities: 
   - Occurs when the program components have delivered all outputs, or the program needs an early closure. It involves releasing program resources and transitioning remaining outputs and assets to ongoing organizational activities.

4. Specific Planning Activities include:
  1.  Change Management: Planning for changes and their impacts on the program.
  2.  Communications Management: Establishing a plan for internal and external communication within the program.
  3.  Cost Estimation: Creating cost estimates considering various factors, and providing guidelines for component-level cost estimation.
  4.  Financial Framework (a) & Management (b): Establishing and managing the program’s financial structure, including funding sources, budget, and cost control.
  5.  Information Management: Planning how program data and information will be prepared, collected, organized, and secured.
  6.  Procurement Management: Preparing to acquire necessary products and services.
  7.   Quality Management: Identifying and aligning quality standards across the program, ensuring it meets its objectives while adhering to quality requirements.
  8.   Resource Management: Ensuring effective allocation and use of resources (people, equipment, materials) across the program’s components.
  9.    Risk Management: Establishing a structured approach to identifying, analyzing, and responding to risks in the program.
  10.    Schedule Management: Defining the order, timing, and significant milestones needed to produce program benefits.
  11.    Scope Management: Aligning and planning the program’s scope to ensure delivery of expected benefits.

Thursday, August 17, 2023


Program Life Cycle Management is a performance domain that oversees program definition, delivery, and closure activities. Programs align strategic goals with components like projects and subsidiary programs. The program life cycle consists of three phases: Program Definition, Program Delivery, and Program Closure.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023


Program Governance in the PMI-PGMP (Program Management Professional) standard refers to the structured framework, functions, and processes by which a program is monitored, managed, and supported to meet organizational strategic and operational goals. It is a critical aspect of program management that ensures alignment between the program’s goals and the organization’s strategic vision.